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click gallery of photos kittens cattery + show results for 2003 - 2014
2003-2008! 2009! 2010! 2011! 2012! 2013! 2014!
Past Kittens 2012 year!
REGIONAL WINNER, GRAND CHAMPION CFA (327 grand points /for two shows)
23RD BEST CAT International!
2014 12th BEST EXOTIC
Black Pearls Stardust blue tabby/ white harlequin exotic SH boy sire: D'Eden Lover Fabulous Eclipse of Black Pearlsdam: CH CFA San-Fe Carmelita of Black Pearlson video 2 months on video 4,5 months Show! Assolux Cat Show 4 rings+congress s.Nizhniy Novgorod May 25-26, 2013
Best Exotic Kitten Show!!! finals and congress - 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 Best Kitten!!! Show WCF! WCF Cat Show s.Nizhniy Novgorod September 14-15, 2013 Best Junior in Show!!! Best Junior in Show!!! WCF ring kittens & juniors all breed - 1 place & Best!!!WCF ring kittens & juniors all breed - 4 place!!!Show CFA/WCA/WCF!Cat Show CFA/ WCA/ WCF Moscow October 5-6, 2013 10th BEST CAT CFA SHOW !!! CFA - 5th BEST EXOTIC CAT!!! Special Mono Breed ring Exotic, judge: Pam Delabar 3rd BEST CAT AB!!! Best AB CH, Best LH CH, Best CH, Best of Breed !!! 8th BEST CAT AB!!! Best AB CH, Best LH CH, Best CH !!! 2nd Best LH CH, Best CH !!! 3rd Best LH CH, Best CH !!! Best CH !!! Best CH !!! Best CH !!! WCA - 7th BEST CAT WCA SHOW!!! 3rd Best Exotic Cat Show!!! 3rd BEST CAT AB!!! 6th BEST CAT AB!!! 7th BEST CAT AB!!! WCF - BEST of BEST CAT WCF SHOW!!! BEST SH!!! Best Male SH!!! finalist BEST of BEST of all systems!!! show CFA! CFA Cat Show Ukraine Kiev 8 rings November 16-17, 2013 4th BEST CAT CFA SHOW!!! BEST EXOTIC CAT SHOW!!! 3rd BEST CAT AB!!! 4th BEST CAT AB!!! 3rd BEST CAT AB!!! 4th BEST CAT AB!!! 5th BEST CAT AB!!! 7th BEST CAT AB!!! 7th BEST CAT AB!!! show CFA/WCF! Gran Prix Royal Canin CFA/ WCF Moscow 12/ 7-8/ 2013
5th BEST CAT!!! Best of
Breed! - George Cherrie
6th BEST CAT!!! Best of Breed!
- Anna Nazarova
2nd Best of Breed!
2nd Best of Breed! 2nd Best of Breed!
lives to Russia, CFA, WCF |
GRAND CHAMPION CFA (for one show in 10 months!!!) Double Grand Champion TICA Grand International Champion WCF Grand Champion Assolux Black Pearls Josephine brown patched spotted tabby/ white exotic SH girl on photo 4 & 8 months video1 video2 video3 TICA show! TICA Cat Show 14 rings April 29-30, 2012 Ekaterinburg 6th Best Kitten TICA Show !!! Pascal Remy (TICA, France) - 1 Best Kitten AB!!! Best of Breed! Pascal Remy (TICA, France) - 3 Best Kitten AB!!! Best of Breed! MaryLise de Landtsheer (TICA, Belgium) - 2 Best Kitten AB!!! Best of Breed! Brigitte Berthelon (TICA, France) - 2 Best Kitten SH!!! Best of Breed! Phillipa Holmes (TICA, UK) - 3 Best Kitten SH!!! Best of Breed! Phillipa Holmes (TICA, UK) - 5 Best Kitten SH!!! Best of Breed! Eduard Borras (TICA, Spain) - 9 Best Kitten AB!!! Best of Breed! Eduard Borras (TICA, Spain) - 10 Best Kitten AB!!! Best of Breed! Kim Tomlin (TICA, USA) - 10 Best Kitten AB!!! Best of Breed! TICA show! TICA Cat Show September 29-30, 2012 Ekaterinburg 7 BEST CAT TICA SHOW!!! (1475 poinths!) BEST CAT AB & 1 Place!!! Best of Breed! BEST Cat & 1 Place Female Congress!!! Best of Breed! 5 Best Cat AB!!! Best of Breed! 5 Best Cat AB!!! Best of Breed! 7 Best Cat Super Stars Congress!!! Best of Breed! 7 Best Cat SH!!! Best of Breed! CFA show! CFA Show Cats s.Sankt-Peterburg October 6-7, 2012 Jeri Zottoli (USA, AB) - 2nd Best of Breed Division!!! WCF show! Cat Show WCF Chelyabinsk November 3, 2012 Best of Best - 2 !!! WCF ring cats all breed - 2 place! CFA show!!! CFA Cat Show Kemerovo, Russia 6 rings November 10-11, 2012 GRAND CHAMPION CFA for one show (in 10 months)!!! 4 BEST CAT SHOW CFA!!! 2nd Best Exotic Cat Show!!! Carol Fogarty (USA, AB) - 2 BEST CAT!!! Best of Breed! Best CH! 2 LH CH! 2 AB CH!!! Irina Tokmakova (Russia)- 2 BEST CAT!!! Best of Breed! Best CH! 2 LH CH!!! 2 AB CH! Robert Zenda (USA, AB) - 6 BEST CAT!!! 2nd Best of Breed! Best CH! 3 LH CH!!! David Mare (USA, AB) - 9 BEST CAT!!! Irina Kharchenko (Russia, AB) - 9 BEST CAT!!! WCF show! Cat Show WCF Kemerovo November 10-11, 2012 Best of Opposite Sex LH! WCF ring cats all breed - 2 place! WCF ring cats all breed - 2 place! WCF show!!! Cat Show WCF Chelyabinsk November 24-25, 2012 November 24 BEST of BEST CAT Show!!! Best SH! November 25 Best of Opposite Sex!!! Best Female SH! November 25, WCF ring cats all breed - 1 place & BEST CAT! November 24, WCF ring cats all breed - 2 place! Assolux show!!! Cat Show Assolux 4 rings s.Ekaterinburg 12/1-2/2012 4th BEST CAT Assolux Show!!! L. Oganesyan - 1 place & BEST CAT AB!!! I. Shibaeva - 1 place & BEST CAT AB!!! U. Bondartzova - 8 Best Cat AB!!! S. Samarina - 10 Best Cat AB!!! WCF show! Cat Show WCF Chelyabinsk January 5-6, 2013 Best of Best - 2 !!! Best of Best - 3 !!! WCF ring cats all breed - 2 place! WCF ring cats all breed - 3 place! stay with us |
Black Pearls Venecia of D'Eden Lover red spotted tabby exotic SH girl sire:GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.Euro Ch (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearls dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Jadoreon photo 4 months
show CFA! CFA Cat Show 8 rings St-Petersburg March 23-24, 2013
J. Rogers ( AB, USA) -
6 BEST KITTEN AB!!! Best of Breed!!!
V. Pochvalina ( AB, Russia) -
6 BEST KITTEN AB!!! Best of Breed!!!
E. Gnatkevich ( AB, Ukraine) -
4 BEST KITTEN AB!!! 2nd Best of
V. Abelson ( AB, USA) -
7 BEST KITTEN AB!!! 2nd Best of
new owners: Frederic Gaspard & Valery Boucher, "D'EDEN LOVER" cattery, France |
Champion CFA Black Pearls Joy black / white van exotic SH boy sire: GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.Euro Ch (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearls dam: GC CFA, QGC (TICA), World Ch (WCF) Amfion's Iriska of Black Pearls on photo 8 months show! WCF Cat Show s. Chelyabinsk September 8-9, 2012 BEST of the BEST CAT!!! shows following the results of the 2nd days among all breeds, adult cats and kittens!!! September 8 Best of Junior !!! September 8 WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 1 place & Best Junior! September 9 Best of Opposite Sex Junior!!! September 9 WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 4 place! show! CFA Show Cats s.Sankt-Peterburg October 6-7, 2012 Champion CFA!!! Rick Hoskinson (USA, AB) - 2nd Best of Breed Division!!! show! WCF Cat Show s. Ekaterinburg October 27, 2012 WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 7 Best Junior! (from 40 kittens and juniors of a ring) lives in China, cattery CFA |
Grand Champion TICA Champion CFA Black Pearls Jolee brown patched tabby/ white harlequin exotic SH girl on photo 8 months on video 3,5 months
show! TICA Cat Show April 29-30, 2012 Ekaterinburg Genevieve Basquine (TICA, France) - 10 Best Kitten AB!!! Best of Breed! show! WCF Cat Show s. Kostanay c. Kazakhstan (Azia) June 17, 2012 Best Kitten in Show!!! WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 2 place! show! WCF Cat Show s. Chelyabinsk September 9, 2012 Best Junior in Show!!! show! TICA Cat Show September 29-30, 2012 Ekaterinburg Grand Champion TICA (980 poinths!) 2 Best Cat AB!!! Best of Breed! 3 Best Cat AB!!! Best of Breed! 6 Best Cat Female Congress!!! 2 Best of Breed! lives in China, cattery CFA |
Champion CFA (grandpointed) International Champion Assolux Black Pearls Ronaldo black/ white exotic SH boy s : GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.EuroCh (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearlsd: GC CFA, Gr EuroCh (WCF), GCH (Assolux) Color Blues Magnolia of Black Pearlsvideo 2 months video 4 months
video2 - 4 months
WCF show!!! Cat Show WCF
November 3,
Kitten in Show!!!
of Opposite Sex Kitten!
ring kittens & junior all breed
6 place!
CFA Show!!!
Cat Show
CFA SHOW!!! Best Exotic Kitten Show!!!
Anna Nazarova
David Mare
Carol Fogarty
November 24
November 25
November 25, WCF
ring kittens & junior all breed
2 place!!!
November 24, WCF
ring kittens & junior all breed
Assolux show!!! Cat Show
Assolux 4 rings
s.Ekaterinburg 12/1-2/2012
S. Samarina -
U. Bondartzova -
M. Scheissner (AB, Germany) -
3 Best AB CH!!! Best LH CH! Best CH!
E. Gnatkevich ( AB, Ukraine) -
Best CH! lives in Russia, cattery CFA |
Black Pearls Viola red silver spotted tabby exotic SH girl sire:GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.Euro Ch (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearls dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Jadorevideo 2,5 months
show WCF!
Cat Show WCF
Zaretchniy, Sverdlovsk February 16-17,
Best Baby
in Show!!! WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 5 place!WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 6 place!
show WCF!
Cat Show WCF
Chelyabinsk March
in Show!!! WCF ring kittens & juniors all breed - 1 place!WCF ring kittens & juniors all breed - 2 place!show CFA! CFA Cat Show 8 rings St-Petersburg March 23-24, 2013
T. Keiger ( AB, USA) -
Best of Breed!!!
lives to China, cattery CFA |
Champion CFA (grandpointed) Black Pearls Nicoletta of Bella Mia calico exotic SH girl sire: GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.Euro Ch (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearls dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Wispaalbum kitten on FB video lives in the USA, cattery CFA |
Black Pearls Leeloo of AdorableCat blue silver patched mackerel tabby / white exotic SH girl sire : CH CFA, World Ch (WCF) Exotic Style Gummy Bear of Black Pearlsdam: CH CFA Purfurvid Flower Power of Black Pearlson photo 5 months lives in Russia, cattery CFA |
Black Pearls Rokky red exotic boy sire : GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.EuroCh (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearlsdam: GC CFA, GrEuroCh (WCF), GCH (Assolux) Color Blues Magnolia of Black Pearlsvideo 2 mon video 3 mon video 3 mon video 3 mon video near 4 mon video near 4 mon album kitten on FBCFA show!!! CFA Cat Show Kemerovo, Russia 6 rings November 10-11, 2012 5 Best Kitten CFA Show!!! 2nd Best Exotic Kitten Show!!! Robert Zenda (USA, AB) - 4 BEST KITTEN!!! 2nd Best of Breed Division!!! Anna Nazarova (Russia, AB) - 4 BEST KITTEN!!! 2nd Best of Breed Division!!!David Mare (USA, AB) - 5 BEST KITTEN!!! 2nd Best of Breed Division!!!Irina Tokmakova (Russia, AB) - 5 BEST KITTEN!!! 2nd Best of Breed Division!!! Carol Fogarty (USA, AB) - 7 BEST KITTEN!!! 2nd Best of Breed Division!!!Irina Kharchenko (Russia, AB) - 7 BEST KITTEN!!! lives to Portugal, cattery CFA |
Champion WCF Black Pearls Romantika red / white harlequin exotic LH girl sire : GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.EuroCh (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearlsdam: GC CFA, GrEuroCh (WCF), GCH (Assolux) Color Blues Magnolia of Black Pearlson photo 10 months WCF show! Cat Show WCF Tyumen April 13-14, 2013 WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 1 place & Best Junior!WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 1 place & Best Junior!Best Junior in Show!!! April 13, 2013 WCF show! Cat Show WCF Tyumen July 20-21, 2013 BEST of BEST -2!!! Best S/LH!!! Best Opposite Sex S/LH!!! WCF ring cats all breed - 7th place!!!lives in Russia, CFA, WCF |
Champion WCF Black Pearls Theodor black/ white van persian ( EXO LH CFA) boy sire: D'Eden Lover Fabulous Eclipse of Black Pearls dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Wispa video 2 months
WCF show! Cat Show WCF
Tyumen July 20-21,
Best Junior
in Show!!!
Best Opposite Sex Junior!!!
WCF WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 9th place!!!WCF show! Cat Show WCF Ekaterinburg August 17-18, 2013 WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 2nd place!!!WCF Mono Breed ring PER - Best Junior!!!WCF show! Cat Show WCF Tyumen September 21-22, 2013 WCF ring cats all breed - 1 place & Best Cat!!!
cats all breed
7 place!!!
to Russia, WCF, CFA |
Black Pearls Nika calico exotic SH girl sire: GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.Euro Ch (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearls dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Wispavideo lives in California USA, cattery CFA |
Black Pearls Nike
/ white exotic SH
dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Wispavideo
show! TICA Cat Show September 29-30, 2012 Ekaterinburg 3 Best Kitten SH!!! Best of Breed! lives in China, cattery CFA |
Black Pearls Morozko of Siam Felis copper eyed white exotic SH boy sire: GC CFA, SGC (TICA), W.Ch (WCF) Malinka Casper of Black Pearls dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Jadore on photo 5 months 3 weeks video in Thailand, cattery CFA |
Black Pearls Spike of Tourmarina blue tabby/ white van exotic LH (persian) boy sire: D'Eden Lover Fabulous Eclipse of Black Pearlsdam: CH CFA San-Fe Carmelita of Black Pearlson video 2,5 months on video 4,5 months lives to Thailand, CFA |
Black Pearls Sensoria blue patched classic tabby/white harlequin exotic SH girl sire: D'Eden Lover Fabulous Eclipse of Black Pearlsdam: CH CFA San-Fe Carmelita of Black Pearlsshow WCF! Cat Shows WCF Ukraine April - May, 2013
WCF ring 04.27.13 -
7 Best Kitten!!!
WCF ring 05.18.13 - 6 Best
Mono Breed Show PER & EXO 05.18.13 -
Best Kitten!!!
lives to Ukraine, CFA, WCF |
Champion CFA Black Pearls Joslyn of Silver Mist red classic tabby/ white exotic LH girl sire: GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.Euro Ch (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearls dam: GC CFA, QGC (TICA), World Ch (WCF) Amfion's Iriska of Black Pearls on video 7 weeks on video 7 weeks on photo and video 3 months show! WORLD CAT SHOW WCF September 29-30, 2012 Kazakhstan September 29 Best of Junior - 2 !!! September 30 Best of Junior !!! mono breeder ring PER & EXO - Best of Junior !!! BEST of BREED !!! show! WCF Cat Show Astana, Kazakhstan February 23, 2013 BEST of BEST CAT Show!!! show! Cat Show MFA Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk October 13, 2013 BEST of BEST CAT Show!!! Show! Gran Prix Royal Canin CFA/MFA Moscow December 7-8, 2013! Champion CFA! MFA - Best Opposite Sex LH !!! lives in Kazakhstan, cattery CFA, MFA |
Black Pearls Valiant red spotted tabby exotic SH boy s:GC CFA, SGC (TICA), Gr.EuroCh (WCF) D'Eden Lover Vavilon of Black Pearls dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Jadoreon photo 4,5 months on video 4,5 months
show WCF!
Cat Show WCF
Chelyabinsk May
ring kittens & juniors all breed
- WCF ring kittens & juniors all breed - 9 place!lives to Ukraine, WCF, CFA |
Champion CFA Black Pearls Pokemonblue silver spotted tabby/ white exotic SH boy sire : CH CFA, World Ch (WCF) Exotic Style Gummy Bear of Black Pearlsdam: CH CFA Black Pearls Holly Dollyon photo 8 months WCF show! Cat Show WCF Chelyabinsk January 5-6, 2013 WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 3 place! WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 5 place!lives to USA, Oregon |
International Premior WCF Black Pearls Qwekky blue silver classic tabby EXO LH CFA boy s: CH CFA, World Ch (WCF) Exotic Style Gummy Bear of Black Pearls dam: Black Pearls Estellevideo1 - 11 months video2 - 11 months on photo 11 months & 1 year
WCF show! Cat Show WCF
Chelyabinsk January 5-6,
Opposite Sex Baby !!!
Opposite Sex Baby !!! WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 2 place!WCF ring kittens & junior all breed - 3 place!
WCF show!
Cat Show WCF
Chelyabinsk March
show! WCF Cat Show
s. Kostanay c. Kazakhstan (Azia)
June 22,
Neutered Junior !!!
Cat Show WCF
November 23-24,
ring Neuters all breed
WCF show! Cat Show WCF Chelyabinsk January 4, 2014 Best Neuter in Show!!! lives to Russia |
Champion CFA Black Pearls Tinker Bell brown classic tabby/ white harlequin
exotic SH girl
dam: CH CFA Black Pearls Wispaon photo 2 months & 4 monthsvideo 2 months 4 months